1991 Renault 70-34 PX 4wd 65hp c/w Facheux F3 Power loader, 7,795 hours, 1991, Very tidy outfit. SOLD
Renault 70-34 PX 4wd, 4 cylinder 65hp Perkins engine, Tracto-Control, 12 Forward and 12 Reverse gears with Manual Shuttle on the dash, 1 DA & 1 Single Spools, Hydraulic Trailer Brake, Pick up Hitch etc. It has fitted to it a Facheux F3 Twin ram Power loader with brackets to the back axle. 7,795 hours. Registered first August 1991. Front tyres are 11.2 X 24 about 40% good and the Rear tyres are 16.9 X 28 about 40% good. A Very clean, tidy and Good small loader outfit.
View Full Specification at: https://www.tractordata.com/farm-tractors/004/3/6/4364-renault-70-34-px.html